Friday, May 17, 2024

Tuesday, May 14, 2024

Eyes & Ears:

  • Wael Shawky - I Am Hymns of the New Temples
  • Rick Lowe - The Arch Within the Arc
  • Tintorreto e Giovanni Grimani: Ritratti a confronto
  • Stranieri Ovunque - Foreigners Everywhere
  • Abdullah Al Saadi - Sites of Memory, Sites of Amnesia: United Arab Emirates Pavilion
  • Roberto Huarcaya - Cosmic Traces: Peruvian Pavilion
  • Pala: Seychelles Pavilion
  • Net Making: Ukrainian Pavilion
  • Robert Zhao Renhui - Seeing Forest: Singapore Pavilion
  • Mark Salvatus - Sa kabila ng tabing lamang sa panahong ito: Philippine Pavilion
  • Gülsün Karamustafa - Hollow and Broken: A State of the World: Turkish Pavilion
  • Madeyoulook - Quiet Ground: South African Pavilion
  • Iva Lulashi - Love as a Glass of Water: Albanian Pavilion
  • Andrea Mancini & Every Island - A Comparative Dialogue Act: Luxembourg Pavilion
  • Hildigunnur Birgisdóttir - That's a Very Large Number-A Commerzbau: Icelandic Pavilion
  • Aziza Kadyri - Don't Miss the Cue: Uzbek Pavilion
  • Manal AlDowayan - Shifting Sands: A Battle Song: Saudi Arabian Pavilion
  • Atlas: Harmony in Diversity: Chinese Pavilion
  • Massimo Bartolini - Due Qui / To Hear: Italian Pavilion
  • Sandra Gamarra Heshiki - Pinacoteca Migrante / Migrant Art Gallery: Spanish Pavilion
  • Lap-See Lam - The Altersea Opera: Nordic Pavilion
  • Jeffrey Gibson - The Space in Which to Place Me: United States Pavilion
  • Archie Moore - Kith and Kin: Australian Pavilion
  • Stranieri Ovunque - Foreigners Everywhere
  • The Pleasures We Choose: Finnish Pavilion
  • Eva Kotätková - The Heart of the Giraffe in Captivity is Twelve Kilograms Lighter: Czech and Slovak Pavilion
  • Kapwani Kiwanga - Trinket: Canadian Pavilion
  • Eduardo Cardozo - Latent: Uruguayan Pavilion
  • Julien Creuzet - Attila cataracte ta source aux pieds des pitrons verts finira dans la grande mer gouffre bleu nous noyámes dans les larmes marées de la lune: French Pavilion
  • Xirómero/Dryland: Greek Pavilion
  • John Akomfrah - Listening All Night to the Rain: British Pavilion 
  • Thresholds: German Pavilion
  • Ka'a Púera: We Are Walking Brids: Brazilian Pavilion
  • Wael Shawky - Drama 1882: Egyptian Pavilion
  • Aleksandar Denic - Exposition Coloniale: Serbian Pavilion
  • Anna Jermolaewa: Austrian Pavilion
  • Open Group - Repeat After Me II: Polish Pavilion
  • Serban Savu - What Work Is: Romanian Pavilion
  • Inuuteq Storch - Rise of the Sunken Sun: Danish Pavilion

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